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Felicissima sera
a tutti 'sti signuri incruattati!
Tinimmo 'na bella stanzetta 'n coppa a nu bellu pubb (che è nu babba'!)! Ce sta nu liett, nu comodino, nu par 'e scarp c'ha lassat' chill' ca sinn'è jut', poi ce sta 'a cucina cu tutte 'e caccavelle, nu giardino cu 'o forn a legna p'a pizz, 'o ciess, internètte ('o capisc' internètte? E allora ca bbuo'?!), entielle, 'a televisione ca t' fa parià, na bella tombola napulitana cumprata 'e seconda mano, u bing, i ccarte, u monopoli e nu sacc e belle cose ca vi fann addiverti'!
Int 'a casa ce stann' sulu paisani. Nun vulimm' a ggente ru norde. Pulentuni stativinni 'a casa vostra!
Si vve piace,
P.S. Forza Napoli!!!
Central Heating
House Alarm
Cable Television
Washing Machine
Pets Allowed
Contact Details:
Phone: 081-638747
Contact Name: Gennaro Quagliarella
Phone Between Hours: Stamm' siempre appiccicat a 'o telefono!
Daft Property Shortcode:
mercoledì, gennaio 31, 2007
martedì, gennaio 23, 2007
Buone notizie
Le due notizie della giornata sono l'uscita del nuovo album degli Shins e l'inizio del mio corso presso laDBS.
Il corso in questione dovrebbe insegnare ai miei 134 (!!!) allievi come pensare criticamente.
Mah ....
Critical Thinking PSH184/PH181
Course Description
This course will explore the nature and importance of critical thinking as it is understood by a selection of philosophers from the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary periods. It will examine the process of argumentation, to include examples of dialectical argument, from the Platonic writings, the analysis of argument and rhetoric in the writings of Aristotle, Peter Abelard’s conception of logic, the distinction between logic and psychology as depicted by Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell’s and Wittgenstein’s views on the role of logic and Heidegger’s and Mary Midgley’s concept of thinking.
Course Objectives/Outcomes:
On completing this course, students should
· be able to understand what is meant by critical thinking
· appreciate the kinds of arguments used to justify conclusions and positions on a variety of issues
· be able to distinguish logical from psychological arguments
· have some acquaintance with the views of some philosophers on the above topics
Core Text:
Nigel Warburton Thinking from A to Z (2nd edition) London and New York: Routledge, 2000.
Supplementary Reading:
Aristotle The Art of Rhetoric trans. H.C. Lawson-Tancred London: Penguin Books, 1991.
Mary Midgley The Myths We Live By London and New York: Routledge.
Martin Heidegger What is Called Thinking? Trans. by William Kluback and Jean T. Wilde New Haven: College and University Press, 1958.
Il corso in questione dovrebbe insegnare ai miei 134 (!!!) allievi come pensare criticamente.
Mah ....
Critical Thinking PSH184/PH181
Course Description
This course will explore the nature and importance of critical thinking as it is understood by a selection of philosophers from the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary periods. It will examine the process of argumentation, to include examples of dialectical argument, from the Platonic writings, the analysis of argument and rhetoric in the writings of Aristotle, Peter Abelard’s conception of logic, the distinction between logic and psychology as depicted by Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell’s and Wittgenstein’s views on the role of logic and Heidegger’s and Mary Midgley’s concept of thinking.
Course Objectives/Outcomes:
On completing this course, students should
· be able to understand what is meant by critical thinking
· appreciate the kinds of arguments used to justify conclusions and positions on a variety of issues
· be able to distinguish logical from psychological arguments
· have some acquaintance with the views of some philosophers on the above topics
Core Text:
Nigel Warburton Thinking from A to Z (2nd edition) London and New York: Routledge, 2000.
Supplementary Reading:
Aristotle The Art of Rhetoric trans. H.C. Lawson-Tancred London: Penguin Books, 1991.
Mary Midgley The Myths We Live By London and New York: Routledge.
Martin Heidegger What is Called Thinking? Trans. by William Kluback and Jean T. Wilde New Haven: College and University Press, 1958.
venerdì, gennaio 19, 2007
Turn on me
You can fake it for a while,
Bite your tongue and smile,
Like every mother does an ugly child.
But the stars are leaking out,
Like spittle from a cloud,
Amassed resentment counting ounce and pound.
You're entertaining any doubt,
Because you had to know that I was fond of you,
Fond of Y-O-U,
Though I knew you masked your disdain.
I can see that change was just too hard for us,
Hard for us.
You always had to hold the reigns,
But where I'm headed, you just don't know the way.
So affections fade away,
And do adults just learn to play
The most ridiculous, repulsive games?
On the faith of ruddy sons,
And the double-barreled guns,
You better hurry,
Rabbit, run, run, run.
'Cause meeting you was fun,
And there's a lot of hungry howlers in this one cell.
We’re taking it over,
Their brittle, thorny stems,
They break before they bend,
And neither one of us is one of them.
And the tails will never mend,
‘Cause you had it in for me so long ago.
Boy, I still don't know,
I don't know why and I don't care,
You don't hide me anymore,
If you'd only seen yourself hating me.
Hating me,
When I've been so much more than fair.
But then you had to lay those feelings bare,
One thing I know still got you scared,
You're all that cold iron,
And never once aired of our dead.
You had to know that I was fond of you,
Fond of Y-O-U.
So I took your lips at the time,
And to change like that is just so hard to do,
Hard to do.
Don't let it whip-crack your life,
And bow out from the fight,
‘Cause oh, how your sisters will write.
The worst part is over,
Now, get back on that horse and ride.
Bite your tongue and smile,
Like every mother does an ugly child.
But the stars are leaking out,
Like spittle from a cloud,
Amassed resentment counting ounce and pound.
You're entertaining any doubt,
Because you had to know that I was fond of you,
Fond of Y-O-U,
Though I knew you masked your disdain.
I can see that change was just too hard for us,
Hard for us.
You always had to hold the reigns,
But where I'm headed, you just don't know the way.
So affections fade away,
And do adults just learn to play
The most ridiculous, repulsive games?
On the faith of ruddy sons,
And the double-barreled guns,
You better hurry,
Rabbit, run, run, run.
'Cause meeting you was fun,
And there's a lot of hungry howlers in this one cell.
We’re taking it over,
Their brittle, thorny stems,
They break before they bend,
And neither one of us is one of them.
And the tails will never mend,
‘Cause you had it in for me so long ago.
Boy, I still don't know,
I don't know why and I don't care,
You don't hide me anymore,
If you'd only seen yourself hating me.
Hating me,
When I've been so much more than fair.
But then you had to lay those feelings bare,
One thing I know still got you scared,
You're all that cold iron,
And never once aired of our dead.
You had to know that I was fond of you,
Fond of Y-O-U.
So I took your lips at the time,
And to change like that is just so hard to do,
Hard to do.
Don't let it whip-crack your life,
And bow out from the fight,
‘Cause oh, how your sisters will write.
The worst part is over,
Now, get back on that horse and ride.
martedì, gennaio 09, 2007
Bambini d'Irlanda
Questi i nomi piu' scelti per i nuovi nati nel 2005 in Irlanda.
1. James
2. Daniel
3. Michael
4. Charlie
5. Jack
6. Sam
7. Patrick
8. Callum/Calum (ma incontrato qualcuno con un simile nome in vita mia)
9. Ben
10. David
1. Lucy
2. Grace (bel nome)
3. Sophie (ottimo per le figlie dei filosofi)
4. Kate
5. Rachel
6. Aoife (Si pronuncia Ifa ed e' l'equivalente di Eva)
7. Emily
8. Anna
9. Olivia
10. Laura
Tra i nomi piu' strani, invece, troviamo per le donne: Arwen, Zahra, Tegan, Aelfreda, Trinity, Effie, Joia, Amnest; mentre per gli uomini: Bamford, Jago, Damir e Sky.
1. James
2. Daniel
3. Michael
4. Charlie
5. Jack
6. Sam
7. Patrick
8. Callum/Calum (ma incontrato qualcuno con un simile nome in vita mia)
9. Ben
10. David
1. Lucy
2. Grace (bel nome)
3. Sophie (ottimo per le figlie dei filosofi)
4. Kate
5. Rachel
6. Aoife (Si pronuncia Ifa ed e' l'equivalente di Eva)
7. Emily
8. Anna
9. Olivia
10. Laura
Tra i nomi piu' strani, invece, troviamo per le donne: Arwen, Zahra, Tegan, Aelfreda, Trinity, Effie, Joia, Amnest; mentre per gli uomini: Bamford, Jago, Damir e Sky.
lunedì, gennaio 08, 2007
mercoledì, gennaio 03, 2007
E' passato un mese e devo ancora raccontarvi la discussione della mia tesi di dottorato.
Allora, la commissione era composta dal mio supervisore Gerard Casey (quello con i baffi), da Brian O'Connor, da Gerry Gaden, del dipartimento di pedagogia (assente nella foto), e da Joseph Dunne (con la barba), esaminatore esterno.
Solitamente ci sono tre membri in commissione ma poiche' il mio supervisore era anche capo del dipartimento, hanno dovuto aggiungere un ulteriore membro a rappresentare il dipartimento.
La commissione si e' prima riunita per valutare la tesi, poi sono stato invitato ad entrare e a presentare il mio lavoro. E' seguita la difesa vera e propria.
Nell'aula non c'era pubblico. Mi hanno fatto domande su ogni singolo capitolo. Il mio supervisore mi aveva avvisato: "non sara' una formalita'" e non e' stata tale.
Il ruolo principale l'aveva l'esaminatore esterno mentre il mio supervisore si limitava ad intervenire in caso di difficolta'. L'esterno e' sempre un esperto della materia ed nel mio caso, rientrava tra una rosa di nomi che io stesso avevo suggerito. Joe Dunne ha studiato nel mio college e poi con Alasdair MacIntyre. La sua migliore opera e' Back to the Rough Ground e riguarda i temi aristotelici di 'techne' e 'phronesis'. Uno dei capitoli di Back to the Rough Ground riguarda Newman.
Mi hanno fatto parlare per un'ora e 45 minuti. Sono stati molto gentili nei modi e precisi nelle domande, anche se a mio avviso non hanno colto alcuni degli elementi piu' originali della mia ricerca, ad esempio l'influenza di Cicerone su Newman.
Dopo la discussione si sono riuniti nuovamente per deliberare.
Nella mia universita' abbiamo cinque gradi di giudizio. L'ultimo e' la bocciatura, poi c'e' la promozione con il conferimento di un titolo di MLitt, ossia inferiore al dottorato, poi c'e' la promozione con cambiamenti maggiori, quindi a promozione con cambiamenti minori ed infine promozione senza cambiamenti.
A me hanno chiesto cambiamenti minori. Il supervisore ha l'incarico di verificare che i suggerimenti e le richieste della commissione siano soddisfatti, e solo allora la tesi verra' accettata dal college.
Dopo la discussione il dipartimento ha offerto un pranzo a tutti i presenti.
Il conferimento e' previsto per il 27 aprile e per l'occasione mi vedrete in toga e cappello accademico.
lunedì, gennaio 01, 2007
"The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. Unless a man starts on the strange assumption that he has never existed before, it is quite certain that he will never exist afterwards. Unless a man be born again, he shall by no means enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."
- G. K. Chesterton
Tra i miei buoni propositi per il nuovo anno, il puntale aggiornamento di questo trascuratissimo blog.
Buon 2007!
- G. K. Chesterton
Tra i miei buoni propositi per il nuovo anno, il puntale aggiornamento di questo trascuratissimo blog.
Buon 2007!
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