sabato, marzo 29, 2014

Lucia, absolute cuteness.

venerdì, marzo 28, 2014

giovedì, marzo 27, 2014

La scorsa notte è nata Lucia. Last night Lucia was born.

giovedì, marzo 20, 2014

Vigiliae Alexandrinae: Proficiscere anima christiana. Alessandro Gnocchi ...

Vigiliae Alexandrinae: Proficiscere anima christiana. Alessandro Gnocchi ...: Sorge dai secoli luminosi e profondi del medioevo quel “Dies irae, dies illa” che nella Messa tradizionale per i defunti trafigge i cuori ...

martedì, marzo 04, 2014

Dale Ahlquist coming to Talk in Dublin!

Dale Ahlquist coming to Talk in Dublin!:

The G.K. Chesterton Society of Ireland is proud to announce that we will be hosting Dale Ahlquist, the President of the American Chesterton Society, at eight o'clock of 2nd April (a Wednesday) in the Mont Clare Hotel, Dublin 2. Dale will be giving a lecture on G.K. Chesterton: Defender of the Family. Admission is free.

Dale Ahlquist is undoubtedly the world's greatest popularizer of Cheserton's work. He is the host of the Chesterton-themed television show The Apostle of Common Sense and the author of several books on GKC's thought and work, including Common Sense 101, The Complete Thinker and The Gift of Wonder.

See his brief biography here.

If you would like to attend this event (and why wouldn't you?), please email us at by March 31st.

Looking forward to seeing you there!